The Seamus Fox Podcast.
This podcast has been created to share real life experiences from inspiring people in all walks of life, those who have engineered change in their own lives through a shift in thinking and beliefs. I want to share my own journey and have others share theirs so that it can help inspire others to crete the internal changes thats needed to create long lasting life changes.
The Seamus Fox Podcast.
Aligning with Your Core Values: A Blueprint for an Empowered Life
If you want the Success by Design webinar email
Discover Your Genius Event Belfast.
The discussion centers on the importance of understanding personal values as a cornerstone for authentic living and overcoming fears. Participants learn how aligning with their true values can lead to greater fulfillment and progress in both personal and professional spheres.
• Understanding the significance of core values
• Identifying symptoms of emotional misalignment
• Overcoming the influence of external values
• Recognizing and managing fears that hold us back
• Creating an inspiring vision for 2025
• Insights shared by participants during the webinar
• Announcement for accessing the recorded webinar
• Details on the upcoming event with Dr. John Demartini
I learned more about myself in that hour's webinar than I did in years of therapy A standout comment that someone said during a webinar that I delivered on Saturday. It was a webinar called Success by Design and it was a fantastic webinar with a great group of people business owners, coaches, a lot of different people from different backgrounds doing different things in the world all showed up to the webinar and in the webinar we went through a lot of different things, but the main three areas that I wanted people to focus on and the main three areas that we went through was understanding values, looking at how we collapse fear so that we can move forward, and then how to begin to create a vision that's inspiring for you to move towards in 2025. When I'm coaching anyone, when I'm speaking to anyone, the first thing that I talk about is values, and if you've been listening to this podcast for any period of time, you've probably heard me mention it a lot, and for me, it's the cornerstone of understanding what you do. What you do, and it's also the cornerstone of understanding how you can communicate better and how you can begin to move forward, especially in business and especially if you've got a partner in business or even a partner in a relationship. Most conflict a lot of the times occurs because we have an expectation for other people to be like us. We have an expectation for other people to value the same things that we do and that's just not going to happen. There might be similarities, but every single person has a unique set of priorities and values. They're fingerprint specific, and when we really begin to understand our own and when we really begin to understand what those internal drivers are, then we can begin to understand what those internal drivers are. Then we can begin to feel like ourselves.
Speaker 1:And what I discussed on the webinar was the symptoms the symptoms that we get in our psychology, the symptoms that we get in our physiology. That shows us when we're not being ourselves. That shows us when we aren't being authentic. That shows us when we're not living congruently with our own values. And a few of those are emotional regulation. When you're living in your higher values, you're more regulated in terms of your emotions. You're not getting as triggered as much. You're more balanced in your mind. You're more balanced in your body. You have an expanded awareness. Where you start to think forward, you start to think bigger. You want to create a vision for yourself. When you're doing something that you really find inspiring, you are more resilient, when you're living in your higher values, because you have a stronger ability to be able to adapt and move and grow, and when we're not doing those things, we get the opposite of that. So when we are living on our own highest values, we feel more fulfilled, we feel more like ourselves and we want to move forward. We feel more inspired.
Speaker 1:And, as I shared in the webinar, a lot of the times, from the day that we're born the whole way right through to maybe where we are right now, we've been a lot of the times living on somebody else's values. We've been a lot of the times living in somebody else's values. We need this at the beginning in order for us to adapt, move and grow. But a lot of the times we've been subordinating or minimizing ourselves to somebody else's values and outer authority a lot of the times. And when we keep doing that to an outer authority, we can never be ourselves, because if we keep minimizing ourselves and not living in our own values, we can't be ourselves. So it took the group through a deeper understanding of those things and it made the difference between understanding what moral ethics are in terms of how people perceive values words like honesty, integrity, respect, trust and all those things and then understanding human values, which are two completely different things. So it was a light bulb moment for a lot of people and someone in that group. After about an hour, when we started to collapse, a lot of things said. You've taught me more about myself in that hour than I had learned previously in a couple of years of therapy. And they were able to get a deeper understanding of why they'd burned out before, why things had seemed challenging in their business, etc. And we were able to look at some of those fears collapse, a lot of those fears so that they can begin to move forward and take that handbrake off.
Speaker 1:And, as I shared, every single one of us wants to get up in the morning and grow and be the best version of ourselves. Nobody gets up in the morning and thinks do you know, I don't want to get smaller, I want things to get worse. I want things to shrink, to get worse, I want things to shrink. We all want to do more. We all want to feel more fulfilled, we all want to be more valued, we all want to experience a better life and understanding what it is that you really prioritize in your life is crucial to doing that.
Speaker 1:We talked about fears. We talked about some of those fears, the common fears, the two main fears that almost all other fears stem from, is the fear of loss of something positives or the fear of gain of something negative. The fear of loss of something that you want, the fear of gain of something you don't want. And then the seven other kind of fears that I highlighted. One is perceived authority, which I just kind of spoke of. Two is not feeling smart enough. Three is the fear of failure. Four is the loss of money or poverty. Five is the loss of loved ones. Six is rejection by people. And then seven is the fear of not being healthy enough. And a lot of the times those fears are running us unconsciously and when we can start to take a deeper look and start to kind of look at, maybe, situations that appeared before or circumstances that we went through before, and we're able to look and find the other side, a lot of the times we can balance out that trigger for one and we can balance out the emotion and the perception of that fear of loss or fear of gain. And that's what we went through and that's what we talked about in that webinar, and it was fantastic. The insights from everybody, the questions from everybody was really, really good, and just how people had got a completely different perspective on where they're at right now and how they can begin to move forward this year was fantastic to see. The feedback was great. So what I'm going to do for you guys is, if you're looking for that webinar, it's been recorded. It's about 90 minutes long. Um, I'm going to drop into the show notes my email address. Drop me an email if you want to get your recording of that webinar and I will send it across to you.
Speaker 1:Next thing I want to talk about, guys, is we are now 28 days out from the big event in Belfast next month with Dr John Demartini. The premium tickets are now sold out. The first VIP table is also sold out. There's five spaces left on the second VIP table and that is at 4pm. So if you want to sit round table with Dr John Demartini and work through business challenges, getting clarity in your vision, looking at team management, leadership, all those different things, understanding yourself and human behavior, or how to begin to expand and grow your business at different levels. You can get the opportunity to sit at a roundtable with Dr John Demartini 4 pm, and then you've also got access to the event after that. So the premium tickets are now sold out, which leaves the 5 spaces for the VIP and then general admission.
Speaker 1:A lot of people are kind of I'm going to get my ticket, I'm going to get my ticket. This event's going to sell out guys. So if you're interested in getting your ticket again, I'm going to drop the link into the show notes to the link. Grab yourself a ticket and I would love to see you in Belfast 24th of February at the Titanic Hotel again. Listening to Dr D Martini is going to be fantastic. It's going to be inspiring just being in a room again of like-minded people, with other business owners, with people who want to achieve more, do more, are inspired to grow. You tap into that energy. You tap into that energy. You tap into that environment and I've shared many times environment is an invisible hand that shapes human behavior. Most people are in the wrong environment. They're putting themselves into the wrong environment time and time again and if you want to grow, expand and achieve more this year, next year, any year it's crucial that you get yourself around the right type of people, and this event is going to be full of those people. So, again, if you want a ticket, go to the link in the show notes, guys, and I would love to see you there February 24th at the Titanic Hotel in Belfast. Other than that, guys, I'm going to love you and leave you Again with the podcast.
Speaker 1:If you're gaining some value from the podcast, if you have questions on the podcast, if you get people that you love to see me, bring on the podcast. I've got a couple of fantastic guests coming up pretty soon. I recorded a couple of podcasts recently that will be released pretty soon. They were really really good. One was with another coach and we deep dived into a lot of different areas, talked about stuff in the podcast that I don't think I've talked about before um and it was really really good. Also recorded a podcast with another local um ceo and businessman and his energy and his insights and his mindset and and how he looks at business and how he scales and grows was fantastic. I was feeding off his energy as well too. So there's a couple of fantastic podcasts coming up, but if there's somebody you'd love to see me interview on the podcast. Listen to on the podcast. Then again, shoot me an email. I'll drop the link in the show notes and I would love to try and work on getting that person on the podcast. Okay, guys, speak soon. Bye.