The Seamus Fox Podcast.
This podcast has been created to share real life experiences from inspiring people in all walks of life, those who have engineered change in their own lives through a shift in thinking and beliefs. I want to share my own journey and have others share theirs so that it can help inspire others to crete the internal changes thats needed to create long lasting life changes.
The Seamus Fox Podcast.
Unlocking the Hidden Value of Criticism
What if the criticism you fear is actually a subtle form of admiration? Join us as we explore this concept and uncover how understanding the true nature of criticism can set you free. Discover how the diverse values and beliefs of others shape their reactions towards you, and learn to interpret negative feedback as a reflection of their own unexpressed dreams. It's time to stop letting criticism hold you back from your authentic self and your unique vision.
During this episode, we break down the psychology of criticism and provide you with practical tools to transform negative comments into powerful growth opportunities. Learn how to handle backlash on social media, keep your focus on your goals, and reframe criticism to benefit your mission. By tuning in, you'll gain insights into staying true to your vision, no matter the noise around you. Get ready to empower yourself and turn every critique into fuel for your journey forward.
Every bit of criticism is a hidden admiration. Criticism is a fear that prevents so many from really putting themselves out in a way that they would really love to. What will people think or say if I do this or if I say that? That fear can prevent your growth and stunt your ability to be your most authentic self. So the world of social media will bring you all sorts of characters. Some of them is going to support you, some of them won't. The key is to never take it personal, and here's why Every single person has a different idea of how things should be based on their values and their beliefs.
Speaker 1:Imagine how boring it would be if we all had the same point of view, if we all believed the same thing, if we all valued the same thing. You see, the person who sees that you are successful in your form and gives you shit because of it secretly admires what you're doing, but it comes out as criticism. The trait that they see in you doing what you do is so often reflecting back the repressed or unexpressed trait that they have within themselves. They want to do what you do in some way or form, but maybe they've given up or haven't even bothered to start on their goals and dreams. So if you want to lead, you have to be prepared for criticism. It's just power for the course.
Speaker 1:And if you know and understand that it's just power for the course, you can get on with fulfilling your vision instead of allowing those opinions to cloud your judgment. So here's two things that you can ask. They get you back on course again, they keep you to stay on course and they settle your mind. If you feel that you're getting criticism, if you feel that you're getting backlash in some way or form, if you feel that people are challenging you instead of supporting you, if you're maybe putting stuff out in social media, trying to grow your business and you're getting negative comments and feedback, here's two questions how does their criticism help me and how does their criticism benefit my mission and my vision? Stack up benefits and keep moving forward until the next one. Speak soon.