The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Transform Your Mindset: Embracing the Gains and Celebrating Progress

Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 107

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Have you ever felt like you’re constantly chasing an invisible finish line, never truly satisfied with your progress? On today's episode, we're unraveling the transformative shift from focusing on the gap to celebrating the gain. Fresh off an inspiring journey to America, where I mingled with visionary minds in Nashville and reconnected with an old friend in New York, I’m excited to share how changing your focus can revolutionize your mindset. We delve into the pitfalls of fixating on what you lack, which only breeds anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. Instead, we explore how acknowledging your achievements and progress can foster gratitude and satisfaction, especially for ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners.

Join us as we encourage you to celebrate your wins and recognize the tremendous effort you’ve invested in your journey. We'll discuss how this mindset shift can help you become more present and appreciative of your accomplishments, creating a more balanced and fulfilling outlook. By valuing your personal growth and the positive changes you've made, you’ll find it easier to harmonize ambition with appreciation. Tune in and learn how focusing on the gains can profoundly impact your well-being and success, making your entrepreneurial journey not just about the goals you set, but about the progress you’ve already made.

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Speaker 1:

Are you focused on the gap or are you focused on the gain? I just got back from America, probably four or five days ago, and it was a fantastic trip. I was over meeting up with clients in Nashville sunny Nashville, beautiful place if you haven't been and over the two days with clients and their leadership team, we got to work on a lot of things I got to present to those guys and their leadership team as well for the two days, and then I got to sit down and listen to the vision, the plan and everything that they have that they're working towards for the future future, which is absolutely fantastic and it's great. They just be around people who have a big vision, a big plan and are putting everything into actually achieving what it is that they really want to achieve. And when I got back I was kind of wrecked, to be honest, with a bit of jet lag. I went to Nashville for a few days and then I went to New York and I met up with another coach and a friend of mine who has moved there this year. At the start of this year, him and his family moved out to New York to again do something different, get themselves out of the environment that they've lived in and grown up in, here in Derry, and great to see, really, really good to see those guys doing well, really good to see how they're settling in and again just taking a chance and going for it and doing something that they want to do, taking themselves out of the comfort zone, taking themselves out of the comfort zone, taking themselves out of the norm and moving their family across to New York to go after their vision, to go after what it is that they want to pursue, what it is that they really want.

Speaker 1:

And it can be scary, it can be daunting, it can be. A lot of fears can pop up, a lot of anxieties can pop up, of course, but again, when you're focused on your vision, when you're focused on what you want to achieve, and when you have that inspiration that's pulling you forward, then you'll overcome those fears, you'll overcome those worries, you'll overcome the things that often can be roadblocks for so many people and that stop them from actually going after what they really want. When your vision's big enough, when the goal's big enough, um, you'll be willing to move past those challenges, willing to move past those roadblocks, willing to move, move past all the hurdles that can often get put in your way when you're trying to achieve what you want to achieve. So I spent those few days in nashville and then I flew to um, new york, and spent a few days in Nashville and then I flew to New York and spent a few days with those guys in New York. My flights got changed because of Aer Lingus and their strikes. I was literally boarding the plane out of Dublin to get on the plane going to Nashville and I got an email telling me that my flight back had been cancelled. So it was kind of up in the air, didn't know what was happening, but I got an email. Then, as soon as I got back off the flight and Nashville, they said it had been rescheduled.

Speaker 1:

But what I want to talk about today, what is really really important for so many of us and I shared this on my Instagram the other day which was what are? What are we focusing on? Like, are we focused on the gap or are we focused on the gain? And what's the difference? Well, when we're focused on the gap, our mind usually goes towards what we don't have. Our mind usually goes towards how long it's going to take us to get to where we want to have. Our mind usually goes towards how long it's going to take us to get to where we want to be. Our mind usually goes towards what's missing and when we focus on the gap, we never feel like we arrive. We're never really ever satisfied and we're never really content, because we're always trying to get somewhere and we can never really truly recognize what we've actually achieved, what we've actually done. So there's a gap that we're always trying to fill and in that gap, a lot of times it can be a state of feeling uncomfortable. It can be a state of feeling like you never feel that you've ever really achieved anything, you never really validated what you've done previously and again, it just leaves a lot of the times a feeling of anxiety because you're focused on what you don't have, where, when you focus on the gain, it's completely different.

Speaker 1:

The gain is you get to recognize the results that you have created. You get to recognize where you were once before and where you now are. You get to recognize the changes that you've made. You get to recognize the strides that you've made. You get to recognize that, okay, I might not be where I want to be right now and I've got a vision to fulfill, but I'm a hell of a lot closer to where I once was before, and that shift in our mindset really begins to get you to be more grateful. It gets you to appreciate a lot of the times, the present moment. It gets you to focus on what you've already done, what you've already created. It gets you to focus on your accomplishments and your achievements and it gets you to focus on again the changes that you've made in your life to get to this point. Because for me and for so many of the people that I coach entrepreneurs, business owners who are driven with a vision and want to create and want to achieve Sometimes it's about bringing that back a bit.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's about getting you to recognize what you've already done, sometimes it's about getting you to enjoy what you've already created and sometimes it's about taking that step back and going okay, where is my attention? What am I really focused on? Because where attention goes, energy flows, and where energy flows, it expands and grows. And if we're focused on what we don't have and when we're focused on what we still need to create in order to get to where we want to be, we're given that energy. We're given energy towards what we don't want, and when we give energy towards what we don't want and when we give energy towards what we don't want, then of course we're creating more of what we don't want. So by shifting our perspective and shifting our perception and really beginning to change how we view our results in life, changing how we view where we're at currently can make a hell of a difference. It can make a massive difference.

Speaker 1:

And I suppose the trip to the States and the trip to meet clients in Nashville I got to recognize that for myself. I got to recognize and I got to really look at that for myself. I got to recognize that I'm flying out to America to meet up with clients, meet up with friends, and to even think that I would have been doing that 10 years ago, 5, 7 years ago, might not have been even on my awareness. It might not have been even on my awareness. Now, if I was focused constantly on what I still need to create, what I still have to fulfill, what I still have to move towards, would I ever get to appreciate that journey, would I ever get to appreciate that trip, would I get to appreciate what I've done over the last 10 years to be the person that I am right now in order for that to happen. Well, I wouldn't get to appreciate that and what I would constantly feel is a feeling of emptiness, a void. Now I'm not saying that you don't continually work on yourself and have a big vision that you need to move towards. Of course, 100%. I'm all for that and I support others in doing that, and I have that for myself.

Speaker 1:

But we also have to take a step back sometimes and bring our mind back into the gain instead of the gap. Have ourselves focused on the gain instead of the gap. See what we've already done and created, and appreciate ourselves more instead of focusing on how far we've got to go, how long it's going to take us, what I need to do to accomplish it. Look at all the things that I have to give up and sacrifice in order for me to get to where I need to be. That's just the wrong mindset and you can change that.

Speaker 1:

You hear me talk a lot in my podcasts. If you follow me on social media, you'll hear me talk a lot about how we take control. How we take control. There's three things that we can control at any time One is our perceptions, two is our actions and three is our decisions. They're the only three things that we control. We can't control outside circumstances, we can't control anything that's going on around us, but we can control how you perceive it. So by shifting our mindset, by bringing ourselves back and getting to appreciate ourselves more for all the things that we've already done to get to this point, by flipping our mind into the game instead of the gap, we can enjoy the journey and the process better.

Speaker 1:

Somebody asked me a question on a podcast last week. They invited me onto their podcast and they talked about goals, talked about achieving goals. They talked about time frames and we've all heard of these things the smart approach, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic time frame and my answer was kind of simple. It was what does it matter? Why does the time frame matter? When you're doing something that you really love, when you're loving what you do and doing what you love? Does it really matter if it takes you 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years To achieve what it is that you want to achieve?

Speaker 1:

Because here's the thing it's not like you get to what it is that you want to achieve and then down tools and then say, ah right, I've accomplished everything. I'm going to sit back because my life is now problem free. That's not what happens, and I've coached and still coach and work with some really, really successful people who have done some fantastic things in their life, in their business, and they've realized that that when you set those goals and get to those points, you've just got another set of problems and another set of challenges and another set of pains and pleasures at that point. So here's the most important thing it's to do what you love and love what you do, because it's in the daily processes of showing up consistently that you get the most fulfillment. It's in the daily processes of showing up consistently to become better, to be a better version of yourself, to improve yourself, to invest in yourself, to fulfill your mission and your vision. It's in those daily processes that give you the most enjoyment.

Speaker 1:

And if we don't learn to bring ourselves back into the gap and enjoy those daily processes on the road to being who we want to be, achieving what we want to achieve, then we're never going to arrive, because it's just again gap focused what I don't have, what I need to get, and that's just a a hole that you can never really fall.

Speaker 1:

So, in ending this short podcast. What I'd love you to focus on and what I'd love you to take away from this is how can you really begin to bring your mind back to the gap Sorry, the gain. How can you bring your mind back to focusing on what you've already achieved, what you've already gained, what you've already done, who you've already become, and get to appreciate that within yourself. Learn to appreciate that within yourself, which is a lot of times a hard thing for us to do. They appreciate who we are. They appreciate what we've done. They appreciate the work and the time and effort that we've put into creating a business, creating a life, creating a family, creating a better version of ourselves. Learn to appreciate that. Focus on the gain, not on the gap. Guys, until the next one, speak soon.