The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Shaping Your Future: Embracing Daily Decisions and Consistent Actions for Personal Evolution

Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 101

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Discover the transformative power of daily decisions and how they can launch you toward the person you're meant to become. Join us as we traverse the path of personal evolution, embracing the wisdom of legendary thought leaders like Jim Rohn and Jeff Olson. They've taught us that success isn't always about the grand gestures; instead, it's found in the consistency of our small, daily actions. With each episode, you'll gain invaluable insights into turning the mundane into milestones, and how the joy of committing to your passion can be your guiding light.

This dialogue is more than just motivational rhetoric—it's a blueprint for embodying the best version of yourself, starting today. As we dissect the intricate dance of altering habits and beliefs, remember that the very fabric of your future success is woven in the social realms we engage with and the goals we set. Let's embark on this journey together, setting a standard of excellence that defies setbacks and galvanizes us toward achievements that would leave our past selves in utter awe. Here, you'll find the encouragement to make the changes that matter and the celebration of progress, no matter how small, because every step is a step towards amazement at what you have and will accomplish.

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Speaker 1:

there's a version of you from the past who could only dream of achieving what you do now. That past version of you might find it hard to believe that. The things that you have in your life or your business and the accomplishments that you've achieved that older version would think that that's impossible. That old version would sometimes struggle to see the connections that you've made, the family that you have, the life that you have, everything that you've built around you. Looking at who you are now, that older version might wonder how did this happen? How did we get here? But it did happen, and why it happened is because you made the decision for it to happen. And say in years time there might be another older version of you asking similar questions. That older version is who you are right now, in this moment. So as we navigate through challenges, as we navigate through life, as we navigate through our business, our careers, etc. And we want to achieve more and have more peak performance and have a bigger business and create more impact and continue to push boundaries in our own lives and our businesses. It's also important to remember that today's older version of who you are right now will look on in admiration and pride for what you've accomplished. That older version of who you are right now will look 10 years into the future and think well, how did this happen? How it happened? Again is what you decide to do today, it's what you decide to do tomorrow and it's what you decide to do every single day. It's who you decide to be today, tomorrow and every single day. So who are you choosing to be in this moment? Because it's about who you decide to become, and you can change and decide to become that better version of you right now. You can shift and change your internal dialogue, you can shift and change your internal image and you can shift and change the projections that you have for yourself in the future right now. And you can begin to act from that future version right now. Because it is about consistently showing up as that person every single day, every single week, doing what you love and loving what you do.

Speaker 1:

To quote Jim Rohn, he says success is simple, but it's also hard, because the easy things to do are also the easy things not to do. I'm going to say that again Success is simple, but it's also hard, because the easy things to do are also the easy things not to do. So what are you not doing that you know you should do? Are you not making the call when you know you should? Are you not hitting the gym when you know you should? Are you not eating better food when you know you should? Are you not connecting with the right person when you know that you should? So what are the easy things that you could do that will move you further forward, into that future version that you want to become in 5, 10 years time? What are the easy things that you're not doing that can make a massive difference? So, again, we can choose to become that future version now, and if we tap into that future version and the goals and the dreams and the vision that we have for the future, well, who would that person be? What decisions would they make? What would they be doing right now? Will they be making that call? Will they be connecting, doing right now? Will they be making that call? Will they be connecting with that person? Will they be looking after their energy? Will they be doing the right things? Will be that person now. Make those same decisions, take those same actions, because it's by doing that right now that's going to lead you to where you want to be.

Speaker 1:

It's called Mastering the Mundane, and that was from a fantastic book I read called the Slight Age by Jeff Olson, because that's what success is. Success isn't often what you see in social media, which is a snapshot of something that somebody's done on a holiday, or on a beach, or a car, or watches, or whatever it might be. All these things are fantastic, but that's not what success is. Or on a beach, or a car, or watches, or whatever it might be, all these things are fantastic, but that's not what success is. Success is doing what you love first and foremost, and loving what you do and doing it to the best of your ability and creating a life that you want to create. But it's also mastering the mundane things that need to be done in order for that to happen. People don't show you the getting up early in the morning and maybe doing your breath, work and exercising and doing the actions that need to be done Sending the emails, making the phone calls, doing the admin speaking to the team, all the other things that maybe aren't as sexy for social media, but the actual things that actually really lead you towards the success that you want. It's mastering the mundane, mastering the things that need to be done that moves the needle in your life. Mundane mastering the things that need to be done. That moves the needle in your life, mastering the things that need to be done that moves the needle in your business. And mastering the actions that need to be taken on a consistent, daily basis that moves you in the direction that you want to go.

Speaker 1:

So again, if we look back and we see that there's probably an older version of yourself that wouldn't believe what you've already done, wouldn't believe what you've already achieved I know from my personal experience that rings true. If I was to look back at myself 15, 20 years ago, I wouldn't believe the things that I've done now. I wouldn't have even thought about doing the things that I've done now, because I was a completely different person, I was in a completely different place and I had a completely different set of struggles and challenges at that time. And if I was to say to myself 20 years ago that I would have created multiple different successful businesses, that I would coach and have the opportunity to work with people from all over the world, that I would be invited to speak on TEDx and go invited to be speaking in different companies, etc. That I would have wrote a book, that I would have travelled all around the world with my family, that I would have bought my favourite car, that I would have done all these different things. That older version of myself probably would have said how did that happen?

Speaker 1:

But it did happen, and it happened again because I started to change who I was. I started to change myself. I started to work internally. I started to look at how I was showing up. I started to look at my habits. I started to look at my beliefs. I started to look at the people I was around. I started to look at why I was doing what I was doing. What was that for?

Speaker 1:

And I started to implement the changes that I wanted to see in my life. And I started to implement the changes that I wanted to also create for my family and my kids moving forward. I started to dream about things differently. I started to create a vision for my family and my kids moving forward. I started to dream about things differently. I started to create a vision for my future self and I started to set goals for myself on a consistent basis that I knew I could measure and move towards.

Speaker 1:

Was it easy? No, did it all just happen because I started to do those things? No, but it did happen. And it did happen because, even when it was challenging, even when there was setbacks, even when there was hurdles, even when there was business that failed, even when there was money lost and adventures that cost a lot, I still kept moving forward.

Speaker 1:

I course corrected, I changed what I was doing. I started to look at who could help me, I started to work more again internally and I started to commit to that future version. I started to commit myself to wanting more, to having a better standard for myself and my life, and I started to move more again in that direction. So if I look back at that older version 20 years ago yes, 25 years ago, not even that long there's a version of me in there going how did this happen? There's no way that that could happen. But what I want to get across to you is it did Because I decided to make it happen. And what I want to get across to you is there's a version of you inside that could be looking on In 10 years time, 15 years time, 20 years time Going how did that happen? And it happened because you decided to make it happen.