The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Turning Setbacks into Comebacks: Mastering the Art of Resilience

Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 98

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When life throws a curveball, how do you transform that setback into a powerful comeback? This episode is a deep dive into the art of turning life's greatest challenges into fuel for success. I've been where you are—feeling stuck, overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, unable to see past the immediate struggle. But I've also learned there's a hidden strength in those dark times, and I want to share with you how to find it. Together, we'll explore the questions that can alter the trajectory of our lives, moving from victimhood to mastery over our destiny.

Prepare to have your perspective shifted as we uncover the wisdom in our crises and learn to identify the support surrounding us, even in the toughest moments. We don't have a special guest this time, because the focus is on you and your personal journey—this is a conversation about harnessing the power within to not just bounce back, but leap forward. For anyone who's ever faced a setback, this episode promises to be an eye-opener, providing you with the tools and mindset shifts necessary to embrace the duality of life's trials and triumphs.

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Speaker 1:

Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Let me ask you this question Think back to a time, an event, a circumstance when something happened to you in your life or your business and you thought this is terrible, I can't believe that this is happening. At that time, you might have been worried with fear, anxiety. You feel that you can't move forward as you feel stuck in every single moment of what's going on around you. You want to get back to feeling normal, but there's overwhelm and the mind that you used to operate with just doesn't seem to function that way anymore. You can't get creative, you can't plan ahead, you probably struggle to sleep as everything is occupying your mind.

Speaker 1:

There's a reason for this. When we get stuck in fear, we don't expand, we contract, we don't operate from our executive centre, and we get stuck in anxiety and fear and we can't think forward. Everything is based on instinct and survival and it all just seems a threat. Have you been there? Even saying these words flash multiple occasions up in my own mind when, at times, I have personally experienced all of what I've just said.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's what I want you to do right now listening in to this in your own mind. I want you to think back to any one of your own events that's happened in your life or business that you label terrible, and ask what would be the downsides or drawbacks if that didn't happen? What lessons would you not have learned? Who would you not have learned from and where would you be right now if that didn't happen, if this person or circumstance didn't come along and teach you an invaluable lesson, even though at the time it definitely didn't seem that way? What would be the drawbacks to you and your life in all areas Health, wealth, family, business, mentally, socially and more? You see, every setback is a setup for a comeback if we have the right perception, if we know how to open our minds up and ask the right questions. The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the questions that we ask ourselves.

Speaker 1:

We can be a victim of our history or a master of our destiny, and that is simply down to how we look at everything that is and has gone on in our lives. There is no such thing as an empowered victim. The victim mindset serves nobody. Believe me, I've been there and I know that it's a futile attempt to empowerment and growth. Personally, I'm not interested in buying into or playing along with people's stories, because I know that their attachment to it is, for one, not the full story. And two, it's keeping them stuck from progressing in their lives. And I say this with certainty and conviction from coaching so many people, but more than anything, from doing the deep work on myself. So here's what I want to end with, and it's a quote from one of my mentors Wisdom is the instantaneous recognition that a crisis is a blessing.

Speaker 1:

What does that mean? It means that everything has two sides a so-called bad, a positive and a negative, an in and an out, an up and a down. You can't have a one-sided coin and, just like all of the events in our lives, there hasn't ever only been a negative in them. That exists only in our perception and how we've decided to view it. But to be wise is to see both sides of what's going on and to be able to find the positive in the negative as it's happening, to find the support all around you when you're being challenged, because it's always there, it's always happening. We just need to learn how to look.

Speaker 1:

So before you go, guys, I want to tell you about something that I'm launching, and I'm really excited about launching pretty soon.

Speaker 1:

This May, I'm launching and I'm really excited about launching pretty soon. This May, I'm launching an 8 week online program for men in business who want to level up in all areas of their lives. This is going to be for a small group of around 10 men who would love to feel more inspired, have more energy, be more productive, feel more aligned with their personal and professional growth, upgrade their identity and self image so that you can show up better in all areas of your life. You'll be coached by me weekly online via Zoom. You'll also be part of a private group, which is great for making new connections and networking. Plus, you'll have the opportunity for one-to-one Q&As with me throughout the eight-week program. If this sounds like something that you're interested in and again, guys, there's only 10 spaces for this launch in May email me on inquiries at shemusfoxcom or reach out to me on LinkedIn or any of my social media pages. Okay, guys, until next time, speak soon.