The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Finding Meaning in Everyday.

Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 106

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Have you ever stopped to truly evaluate whether you love what you do every day? This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how passion and gratitude can elevate your professional life. I recount personal stories, from coaching sessions on tranquil beach walks to engaging with clients across the globe, illustrating the profound joy of aligning work with one's highest values. Drawing inspiration from my mentor, Dr. John Demartini, I share insights on how embracing both the challenges and rewards of your career can drive you towards success and fulfillment.

Click here to book a discovery conversation with me.

We delve into the importance of understanding your purpose and how it can be a guiding light through tough times. Whether you're meeting clients on Zoom or in person, the key takeaway is that genuine love for your work makes all the difference. This isn't about having a perfect job, but about finding meaning and joy in what you do. If you're a high performer who yearns for growth and is relentlessly pursuing goals, this episode will inspire you to assess your path and make necessary changes for a more fulfilling career. Tune in to reflect on your journey and inspire a new perspective on professional well-being.

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Speaker 1:

I love what I do and I do what I love. What's he on about? Bear with me. So the other day I had a real sense of gratitude and I was thinking about what I do right now and I was thinking about how grateful I am that I get to do all of it. So this month I'll be travelling to the States to meet up with some of my fantastic clients and their leadership team, before heading to New York to meet with a friend and another coach for a few days before I come home. Two weeks ago I got to meet up in person with one of my fantastic clients locally who I've been coaching since the start of the year, and it was a coaching session walking in nature near the beach. That session was something that created a shift for him and a new way of looking at things that he had labeled differently in the past. And it was a shift also for him with an issue that he's dealing with right now in his business. Next week I've arranged to meet up with another client for a walk and a talk and a coaching session and I get to dig deeper with him and create some shifts, and it's also an opportunity to get to know him better and for him to get to know me better also. So I get to combine all of my highest values which is coaching, creating meaningful relationships, inspiring well-being, mentally, physically, emotionally all into one session with other people that I get to work with. Getting to spend time with clients like this is amazing, whether that's on Zoom or in person, and I can hand on my heart to say that I love it. I love showing up to coach.

Speaker 1:

As a coach, if you don't love what you do, nobody is interested, because nobody wants what you don't want to sell from your heart, and that goes for anything in business. I believe that you have to love what you do. You don't need to love all areas of your business and you don't need to love the ins and outs of your career or your business, but I do believe that you need to love the why behind your business. You have to love the purpose, the vision, and you have to understand your own highest value. You have to understand what makes you tick, because that's the very thing that you'll keep moving towards when things begin to get tough, and I believe, if you love what you do, that's the very recipe that is going to help you get through the challenges that come in your life and in your business. It's a love for what you do that really helps you keep striving to grow and pursue more, and it's being really aligned with that and in love with what you feel, inspired by every single day. That really helps you succeed in your career and your business.

Speaker 1:

Loving what you do doesn't mean it's not a challenge, but it's a challenge that you pursue. I'll say it again loving what you do doesn't mean it's not a challenge, but it's a challenge that you pursue. I'll say it again loving what you do doesn't mean it's not a challenge, but it's a challenge that you pursue. And for me, I took this from my mentor, dr John Demartini. He says that love is the synchronicities of complementary opposites. It's both sides, it's a positive and a negative, it's a support and a challenge, it's the ups and the downs and that's all of it. Loving what you do means that you find meaning in those challenges in your business and that you pursue them with love and gratitude because they help you mold into the best version of yourself that you can be.

Speaker 1:

So I want to end on this short podcast. Take a look around and ask are you doing what you love. Am I actually really doing what I love? And if I am, fantastic. But if you're not, then what needs to change? And if you're listening to this podcast, then it's highly likely that you are a high performer. It's highly likely that you are someone that wants more growth. It's highly likely that you are someone that's pursuing change and chasing goals and wanting more from your life and your career. And if that's you, and if you are someone pursuing change and chasing goals and wanting more from your life and your career, and if that's you, and if you are specifically male who is who I'm working with right now and you want to have a conversation, which is me and you hooking up on a zoom call or on a phone call and having a conversation about what you're maybe stuck on right now, what you maybe like answers to right now, and seeing if we could work together in the future or now, then all you need to do is reach out to me, or what I'll do is I'll drop the link to book a call, a discovery call in the show notes, jump on book a call. We can meet up, have a conversation and we can go from there.

Speaker 1:

So again, loving what you do and doing what you love is linked to the highest value that you have in your life and a lot of the times, people feel confused about what that is. People feel conflicted about what that is. People are constantly chasing something outside of themselves, trying to get it, and what I've often found from the people that I work with and coach and for myself I speak from doing all of this work on myself more than anything else. Over the last 20 years I've had a coach every single step of the way. I do the work on myself constantly and I love what I preach and what I talk about.

Speaker 1:

And once you get really aligned with what that is, there's a feeling that you get inspiration from, there's a feeling that you get energy from, there's a feeling that you have focus from, there's a feeling of being disciplined and there's a feeling that you get that gives you momentum to keep moving towards what it is that you're pursuing. Because when you're aligned with something that you truly love and that you want to do, you want to create more of it. When you're not, you want to shy away and you want to escape and you go towards the things every day and every weekend that give you that escape mechanism, and for me that's not living a fulfilled life. For me that's not being the best version of yourself. And don't get me wrong I've been there. I've done all those things also and I know the difference.

Speaker 1:

So I'm speaking from experience again here, not from judgment, and I know the difference of escaping and drinking every weekend and trying to numb the pain of not being who I wanted to be. And I know the other side of it is also, and on the other side of it is what I prefer. And on the other side of it is where I have stepped up and created more of what I wanted to create, and that's what I love doing for for people that I coach. So if that's you, if you're a CEO, if you're a high performer, if you're looking to grow in your life and your business, if you're looking to create shifts and change in any way, shape or form, then I'd love to chat to you, have a conversation, book a link, send me a message and we can go from there. Speak soon.