The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Hard Work to Smart Success

Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 105

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Momentum 2024 Early bird tickets click here..

Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly achieve success while others struggle? This episode promises to uncover the profound secret to success: personal responsibility and relentless hard work. Through my experiences and those of my mentors, we discuss how true transformation starts with you, not by waiting for others to make changes for you. You'll learn the difference between "hard work" and "smart work" and how dedication to your passion can lead to meaningful achievements. Grab insights on why unwavering dedication and consistent effort are non-negotiable for attaining your goals.

And there's more! I'm thrilled to announce our upcoming Mindset Growth Event, an inspiring opportunity to elevate your potential. Hear from incredible guest speakers who will share their invaluable insights and experiences collected over the past two decades. This event is designed to inspire, enhance your mindset, and connect you with like-minded individuals, all geared towards fostering both personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on the early bird tickets available on my social media platforms and Vembrite. This is your chance to take a significant step towards your success—can't wait to see you there!

Click the link here for early bird tickets.

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Speaker 1:

For years I wanted to see change in my life, but I thought that others should do it for me. I wanted my parents to change. I wanted the government to change. I wanted my friends to change. I wanted the weller to change. Well, to be totally honest, I'd still love the weller to change a bit here in Ireland, but it's not going to happen. The list goes on.

Speaker 1:

I wanted what I saw in others for myself, but I thought why don't they just tell me what to do? Give me the secret sauce? Truth be told, in my early years starting out, many coaches and mentors did give me the so-called secret sauce, but for some reason I didn't like the taste. It was called long-term commitment, disciplined and plain old, doing the work on a consistent basis over and over and over again. So that's the secret sauce that nobody tells you about. In my mind, I always thought no, it must be something else. Maybe it's something overnight that happens and I'll wake up tomorrow morning and I'll have everything that I want on my lap. And, as you can imagine, that didn't happen.

Speaker 1:

In 20 years in business as a coach, I have invested tens of thousands each year in coaches, courses, mentors, my education, and I still do because I highly value learning and learning from other people, upskilling and trying to increase my knowledge and my ability to be able to do what I do on a consistent basis. And one of my mentors is ultra wealthy. He lives in a ship and he travels the world and he doesn't need to ever work and he hasn't for years but he works harder than anybody that I know and he works seven days a week, not because he has to, but because he loves to, and he does it every day. Now every other mentor and successful person that I've admired has had a very, very strong work ethic, and one of those traits of success is hard work. It's also a reason I'm here on a Sunday recording this for you.

Speaker 1:

So hard work sometimes has been getting a bad rap recently. Good old fashioned rolling up your sleeves and getting some work done seems to be something that people are not shying away from, but it has seemed they got a bad rap where, like you, don't have to work hard. Now, don't get me wrong. There's pros and cons to all of this, but if you think of all of the people that you look up to or admire or that have done amazing things in their lives, did they get it through? Like not working hard? Did they get it through trying to create work-life balance at the start? Or did they get it because they were devoted, dedicated and they put all of their attention, energy and focus into something that they loved in order to create the life that they wanted and the career that they wanted, or the physique or the health of the career that they wanted, or the physique or the health of the business, whatever it might be.

Speaker 1:

So you can look at it two ways. Hard work is needed, for sure. Now there's another way to look at hard work. Hard work, for me, is doing something that you don't like for somebody that you don't like, dreading Mondays and dreading every other day of the week. Smart work is doing something that you love, for those that you love, building something that you want and building something that you want to pursue. Does that mean that you don't need to work hard and smart? Does that mean that you don't need to work hard when you're building something that you love? Of course you do. You need to work hard. You have to put the time and the energy and the commitment and the focus into it.

Speaker 1:

There's times that you're going to second guess yourself. There's times that you're going to wonder what you're doing. There's times that you have to take chances. There's times that you have to invest. There's times that you have to get really, really uncomfortable and it's hard and anybody that tells you anything else is selling you a fantasy.

Speaker 1:

So all the successful people that I have studied and that I have got to be around and be mentored by and surround myself with, they've got to where they want to be because of dedication and commitment and focus on their goal. They've worked their balls off basically to get to where they wanted to be and to get what it is that they actually wanted. So if you truly love what you do, then a lot of the times being pulled away from that is a challenge, and for the CEOs and the guys that I work with and coach, that's often the biggest challenge, which is getting pulled away from the thing that they actually really love doing, because there's other areas of life that also are important for them their family, etc. So when we live outside of our highest values, that's when often we feel like there's conflict. We know what we want to do. A lot of the times we know what we want to pursue. It's what gives us most energy, it's what gives us discipline, it's what gives us focus. It's what gives us focus, it's what gives us an inspiration and energy and aliveness a lot of the times. To know that is so, so important, because it is when we feel most alive. So here's what I would love you to look at and here's what I would love you to consider in ending this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Smart work, for me, is doing what you love. Hard work is doing something that you hate. Now, that doesn't mean that you don't need to work hard doing something that you love, because at times you will. But if you truly want to change, then you must commit that the long, long term. If you truly want to create something in your life, you have to commit to the long-term approach. There is no magic wand. Nobody comes to save you. Nobody gives you the secret sauce. Nobody gives you the magic wand. You have to do the work. You can be guided by somebody like myself, a coach and a mentor, but you still have to do the work. I can give you the information, the tools, the knowledge and the accountability, but you still have to do the work.

Speaker 1:

So, when we're looking to create change, when we're looking to create whatever it. When we're looking to create whatever it is that we want to create, either in our life, our health, our fitness, in our business, in our career it is about showing up consistently. It is about doing the work. It is about the mundane things, a lot of the times that we often think that we don't need to do, that we actually have to lean into and actually get done. Those are the things, a lot of the times, that'll move the needle for us in our lives. Those are the things, a lot of the times, that'll move the needle for us in our business and those are the things, a lot of the times, that we want to avoid. That actually creates the shifts and the changes that we really are seeking.

Speaker 1:

So when you feel really aligned in what it is that you love to do, it's not a hustle or a grind, you get to do it. That's why I have no qualms about coming on here in the office on a Sunday and recording podcasts and doing work, because I get to do it, because I love to do it, it's something that I really feel inspired to do. So when you're doing something that you love, the hustle and grind mentality kind of evaporates. It's not something that's there. Yes, there's going to be times you have to work hard. Yes, there's going to be times that you need to put the head down and focus, but you're doing something that you want to do, you're doing something that you love, and when you're doing something that you love as you've probably heard me share time and time again you're willing to pursue both pain and pleasure in its pursuit. That's how you know it's a real value, that's how you know it's something important and that's how you know it's something that you actually really do want to fulfill.

Speaker 1:

As you begin to move forward and find the answers to those challenges, find the ways to get around them, find the ways to upskill yourself, find the connections that need to be made in order to find the who that can take you to where it is that you want to be. You're willing to pursue all of that because you're inspired to do it, and that's the difference, a lot of the times, between smart work and hard work. Yes, you need a mixture of both, of course, but again, going back to the original point in this podcast is you need to be able to do the work yourself. If you want to see that change within yourself, then you have to do the work, you have to show up, you have to be dedicated, you have to be disciplined and you have to go all in on yourself, and you have to realize that hard work is going to be part of that equation. Hard work is going to be part of getting that result.

Speaker 1:

Guys, if you're enjoying this podcast, what I would love you to do is I would love you to rate it. I'd love you to share it with your friends. I would love you to give it a rating and reviews on Apple or Spotify, wherever you listen to this podcast. It helps me know that I'm sharing information with you that you're actually appreciating and learning from, and it also helps the podcast grow. I get a lot of messages and emails from people that are listening in and I really really appreciate all of them. I get a lot of messages and emails from people that are listening in and I really really appreciate all of them. So, if you can, you can send a text, you can send an email, you can send a message, you can review the podcast on your platform, whatever platform that you listen to, and, again, it just really helps me grow the podcast and reach more people.

Speaker 1:

Guys, just before you go again, we have now launched the early bird tickets for Momentum in Derry this year at the Edmonton Hotel and Spa. I'm going to drop the link into the show notes. You can get the link there for the early bird tickets. So Momentum will be on the 28th of September at the Edmonton Hotel and Spa here in Derry, and the theme for this year's Momentum is mind body business. You'll be listening to fantastic speakers who are coming in to share their wealth of knowledge on all things mindset, all things health, fitness, sleep, nutrition and all things business.

Speaker 1:

You'll have myself speaking, sharing everything that I've been gathering over the last 20 years, along with some other fantastic guests also. The early bird tickets will be in the link or you can go to any of my social media platforms. You can also get it on Vembrite and I would love to see you there. It's going to be a fantastic day. If you're interested in feeling inspired, if you're interested in looking at different ways that you can upscale your mindset and get around the right type of people to help you grow, then you do not want to miss this event. Okay, guys, see you in the next one. Bye.