The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Embracing Your True Calling: Aligning with Life's Purpose.

Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 102

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Let's talk about the challenges and triumphs of intertwining your deepest values with your business aspirations. If you've ever felt an inkling that your professional endeavors aren't quite meshing with your inner compass, consider this your personal invitation to a heart-to-heart with me. Reach out and let's initiate that transformative discussion on LinkedIn, email, or social media. This episode isn't just a narrative; it's a stepping stone to your own self-discovery as we navigate the intricate weave of purpose and profession. Join me, and let's craft a vision that resonates with the core of who you are and the legacy you aim to build.

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Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I don't want to Like, I don't want to do anything else. I can't imagine doing anything else, and if I did or I had to dip into something else, it would only be to do what I love again, and that is coaching. This was out on a walk on Sunday that my wife asked me this question Do you ever think of doing something else? It actually came after. She said can we just talk about something normal? I'm always talking about business. I'm always talking about coaching and how I can do more of that. It's all I think about. And my immediate answer was no.

Speaker 1:

I found what I love to do and what I know I'm here to do 20 years ago and I've done that every week of my life since. I'm sure that there is other coaches or other business owners or other people in their lives doing what they really love and know that they have that feeling of not being able to stop that thing. See, my coaching has evolved and changed into different forms, of course, over the last 20 years, but the essence of what I do and why I do it, I feel, is so deeply ingrained in who I am. It feels like it's not something that I can give up on and there's been many times that it has crossed my mind Business failures, struggles, trying to start again, build again, stressed out and almost burnt out. But there's a deeper pull towards finding out more of my potential and learning more and more ways of being more of that version of me and showing up to serve others to do the same. It's kind of hard to explain, but it just feels like a deeper knowing that that's who I am and that's what I'm here to do. As you can probably imagine, my wife, emma, was probably regretting even asking me that question. So what I want to ask you is does this resonate? Do you have that sense of purpose, or are you struggling to find your true purpose? You see, I believe that every single person has a purpose, so I'm going to ask you what do you feel your purpose is in life? Maybe right now, within your business and your career? Maybe you feel that you've lost it. Maybe you feel that you're not on purpose. Maybe you feel that you are procrastinating, sabotaging, putting things off constantly. How do you know? When you're on purpose, what does that actually feel like?

Speaker 1:

The pursuit of purpose has been something that has been studied for thousands and thousands of years. It goes right back to the Greeks. They had a study of teleology, which was a study of meaning and purpose. They find out why we do the things that we do, and that went on for a long time. They try and discover more about human behavior. They try and discover more about human beings and they try and discover why we human beings and they try and discover why we keep doing the things that we do. Why do we find meaning in one thing and we don't find meaning in another? And that was called discovering your telos and I've talked about this many, many times and I talk about it a lot in workshops and talks and seminars that I deliver, and it's one of the first things that I help anybody that I coach really discover and understand, which is the hierarchy of their values.

Speaker 1:

They find out what their true purpose is, because so many business owners that I coach a lot of the times get sidetracked into going after something or chasing something that they think they need to do because of an injection of values from other people, and that usually appears in conflict. That usually appears in events like procrastination and sabotage etc. And then they wonder why, a lot of the times, they don't seem to move towards what it is they want and then, a lot of the times, they give themselves a hard time, beat themselves up because they think that there's something wrong. What's usually wrong a lot of the times is a misalignment. It's not really going after what intrinsically from within, driving them towards doing more, being more, achieving more, and there's an external motivation a lot of the time to try and achieve which, when we feel that a lot of the times, it's a sign that shows that what we might be actually pursuing might not be really really aligned.

Speaker 1:

So everybody has a unique set of values, and our values dictate our destiny, and the highest value that we have is the thing that we find most meaning in. It's the thing that we want to fulfill most, and the highest value that we have is usually a way to try and fill the biggest void that we've experienced, and the biggest void that we've experienced is the thing that drives us forward. It asks to fulfill what it is that we want to achieve most. So our purpose will always come under that also. Our purpose will come under what we find most meaning in, and if we get really really aligned with it, then we have a lot more energy, we have a lot more inspiration, we're more creative, we feel that we're progressing towards a bigger vision, a bigger goal goal and we feel more like ourselves, and like with so many of the guys that I coach after our first or second call. That's something that I hear back a lot of the times when I hop on the call with them and I ask them right, well, how did we feel? What was the first call like? What did you really get from that call? Give me some insights into how things have been since we spoke first. Things like I feel a sense of relief, I feel inspired, I don't know. Something has just clicked for me again.

Speaker 1:

These are common things that I hear a lot of the times from people that really get to understand what's really driving them and really understand their purpose, their values. Because once you do that, you can begin to again step up, you can begin to again start to plan and create a vision, start to move forward towards what you really want. Because if you're not doing what you truly want to do, then you're not going to be thinking forward, because actually doing more of things that you don't want to do isn't something that you plan for. But when you get really aligned with your highest purpose, your true values, then you want to think forward, because you're actually in a different part of the brain that helps you do that. When we're stressed and overwhelmed, doing stuff that we don't want to do, then we're looking for an escape, we want a way out. So, to come right back again to how I started this short podcast, which is understanding your true purpose and how that really begins to help you be the person that you want to be, and it's not to compare yourself to other people, which is what so many people do, especially in business.

Speaker 1:

So many business people are looking outside of themselves, thinking that they need to be somebody else, that they need to do what the other people are doing, and then that usually is something that they might pursue for a short period of time before it falls short, because you cannot be another version of anybody else. You have to know what's most important for you, you have to know what your true purpose is and you have to know what's actually driving that. And once you start to make those connections, as I said, you get more energy, you get more focus, you get more productivity. You want to keep moving and growing because now you feel aligned, now you feel like you've got your mojo back. Now you feel like something that was missing before has now clicked into gear again. And I say these things because these are things that I hear time and time again.

Speaker 1:

So what I want to ask you whether you're a business owner, whether you are in your career pursuing something that you really want ask yourself the question do I feel on purpose, am I doing the thing that really lights me up? And telltale signs will be sabotaging, procrastination, binging on food, alcohol, things that a lot of times give us immediate gratification or we use as an escape to try and numb the pain. A lot of times because we're not really doing what we really want to be doing most and I spoke about this to a client recently when I talked about addictions, and addictions a lot of the times are the symptom of unfulfilled highest values, when we're not being ourselves, when we're not pursuing what's most important to us and when we're not stepping into that future version of who we really want to be. Because if we're doing something that we really really find inspiring and it makes us light, it lights us up and we get so much energy and everything else from it, then we don't want to move away from that and anything else that takes us away from that. We don't want to move towards, because we get more from being in alignment. We get more from stepping up and living on our purpose. We get more from stepping up and being the person that we really want to be.

Speaker 1:

So, again, I'll ask you the question in ending are you on purpose? How do you know that you're truly on purpose and what does that feel like? And if you're struggling with that, if you are a man in business which is the only guest that I'm working with right now and you want to have a conversation, you want to find out a little bit more and you want to have a chat, then reach out to me. Reach out to me on LinkedIn. You can get me on email inquiries at shimasfoxcom or you can get me on any social media channels. Okay, guys, until the next one, speak soon.